Thursday, September 10, 2009

hello fall!

Whoopsies, long time no post! So what's kept me away? Excuses excuses I know, but here goes:
  • 2 movies at work
  • apt hunting
  • one ginormous move
  • furniture shopping
  • yadda yadda yadda
Alas, I am back with a vengeance and am hoping to have some new pieces up soon! I actually have worked on some that I just have yet to post, so stay tuned for those. My creative energy has (of late) been spent on work and decorating the apt, but as we're slowly winding down in both of these areas (for now), time to redirect my energy! Fall is only going to fuel my obsession with branches. Now, the question is - earrings or necklaces first?

Friday, April 17, 2009

Friday Funday!

Hi lovelies!!!

It's so pretty here in the big manzana, hope the weather's treating you well wherever YOU may be. This weekend has lots in store for me including a rooftop party, home-cooked meal, bead shopping, and some custom orders to fill.

On another note: I think one of my tadpoles is grown an (yes only one, for now) arm! His little nubbin is getting noticeably larger, perhaps he'll make it to central park this summer!


Friday, April 10, 2009

happy [good] friday my loves!

hiya folks! hope everyone is out and about enjoying their friday nights right about now.

as for me, i'm home with my 'rentals in good 'ol queeeeeeeeeeeeeeeens! it's been a particularly good day for me with 3 sales - yay! thanks so much again for your support everyone.

so supposedly yet another rainy weekend in the city, sigh. i know april showers bring may flowers, but these better be some HUGE a** may flowers (perhaps like my newest rose pieces...shameless plug....)! hope you're making the most of it :)will be working on filling some of these orders this weekend, but hopefully i'll have some new stuff monday. happy weekend all!!!


Thursday, April 9, 2009

yay for thursday and photography exploration!

happy thursday my loves!

it's a booootiful day here in the city, only to be followed by some good friday (and satuday) rain..BOOOOO..oh well...i guess a rainy saturday will make sure i stay indoors and work on some of the ideas i've been mulling around in my head.

so today's update has to do on photography! my fellow etsians were kind enough to critique my shop for me and recommended i try to improve my photos with a lightbox or by taking pictures of my pieces in natural light. as a thank you, below please find pictures of and links to the shops of just a few of the MANY great folks who were kind and talented enough to offer me advice:



Grace Handmade Jewelry

wellll...i totally failed at the lightbox thing (am counting on my boyfriend for that one now ;) but i did manage to get in a few shots on my windowsill before i had to leave this morning. please take a look and let me know what you think :) definitely not as good as everyone's above, but i think they're a good start!.... (you'll also get a look at the new FATTIE bow ring!)

can't wait til friday!


Monday, April 6, 2009


yay!! today is my shop's one month anniversary. while "we" (me and my imaginary friends) technically opened our doors on february 18th (to save a spot!), the first items went up on march 6th. so far i've got 25 sales, thanks to all of you.

thanks so much for the support everyone!hugsssss


Friday, April 3, 2009

happy friday folks!

tgif, for real reals. too bad it's rainy here in manhattan, but according to the today show we really needed this so yay! (??...) looking forward to seeing some friends tonight, singing along at the ra ra riot concert this weekend, kissing in the rain ❤, and of course making some jewelry!!!


lefties unite!!!

hi friends!

so lori over at riskybeads just started a great new blog for left-handed artists like herself (and yours truly) called Lefthand Madens.

righties are definitely welcome as long as they are willing to coddle us for all of the trials and tribulations we've had to overcome in this right-hand prejudiced wold...jusssttt kidding! please take a look at Lefthand Maden's first lefty artisan interview with hmmm...who could it be.... lalalla


Thursday, April 2, 2009

my curtains find a new purpose!

so besides brightening my day and keeping the peeping toms of 9th avenue away, my [favorite and only] ikea curtains are doing triple duty as the newest "display" for some of my pieces!

these babies are the ikea stockholm blad - get your very own here! i also covet this matching chair...sigh...


i know i promised...

not to make this blog too personal, but what the heck! my good friend katie made this lovely breakfast last sunday and the picture makes me so happy i had to share!!!

hope you're inspired to make something just as pretty and delicious this weekend!


a few more pieces!

hiya friends!

so just two new pieces today, the product of trying to keep myself busy while watching american idol (c'mon anoop!!!)

  • the baubly boo necklace - so fun and will add a pop of color to summer dresses and flowy tops
  • fleur de lis earrings - as stated in the description of these babies, in an attempt to get them perffeeect, i hammered my finger - oy. i hope you enjoy the fruits of my labor and pain!
  • i made the first BOWie ring with my new 14kt gold filled wire. it's a little bit more difficult to work with but it's so worth it considering gold filled jewelry is meant to last a lifetime.
check everything out below!


Wednesday, April 1, 2009

as promised...

i've added some new pieces today!
  • finally, another hair flower - just in time for spring!
  • the darling earrings, my boyfriend really likes these and i have to admit i'm also sort of obsessed! be forewarned though, i'm down to my last three pink/coral mystery teardrop stones, sighhhhh
  • the jumble ring - a chunkier ring than my others and really earthy and fun 14k gold filled and sterling silver wire just came in from another etsy seller today! The lady ring and BOWie ring will now be made with these to ensure the best of quality for all of you! I've also decided to make the BOWie ring in a thicker gauge for those of you worried about the fragility of the original one, so keep an eye out for that!


Tuesday, March 31, 2009

i'm on flickr!!!

so i decided to join flickr as a way to showcase all of my past and present work. this way anyone who's interested can see items that have already been sold or that have been made as gifts or custom orders. enjoy!

a weekend's worth of work...

saturday was spent scouring my favorite bead stores for the perfect piggies and chains to make these custom pieces -

i think they turned out pretty well, but fingers crossed for the reviews from the piggy lovers who requested them!

the weekend also produced the following pieces:
  • aggy earrings - i actually made the first pair of these as a birthday present to my friend agnes, i loved them so much i wanted to share them
  • throwbackk earrings - these seem 1920s-ish to me, maybe art deco? maybe i made that up? who knows - i still adore them and hope you do too.
  • sparkly - simple and feminine
  • bamboo-zled - trying to incorporate more silver jewelry into my "line" (ha!) hope you guys like this one
there's still lots more to come! like a ring i forgot to photoraph...whoops!


Thursday, March 26, 2009

Designer Spotlight: Betty’s Baubles

many many thanks to nilu for the flattering write up (and perhaps not so flattering picture ;) in her amazing fashion blog: fashion spotlight.

this is a great blog for anyone who wants well-written and helpful fashion advice/updates, including lots of exclusive interviews and news on up and coming young designers and industry people - check it out!

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

working for the weekend!

i can't wait til this weekend when i can get my hands on some wire and pliers and off of this keyboard!

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

my first write-up!

hi friends!!!

please take a moment to check out my very first write-up on the great blog College Look
Emma is a college student and fashion writer whose articles/posts are informative and fun - you should definitely keep an eye on her blog, even if not to read her post on yours truly ;)

thanks to everyone for their support thus far and a VERY special thanks to *emma*/twigie for taking the time to ask me questions and put together such an amazing post.


Monday, March 23, 2009

A few things!

Some random notes I wanted to share...
  • in case you've been wondering, a lot of my pieces are photographed on my bed! i just love my duvet cover (it has birds and branches all over it, are we surprised??) and think it makes a lovely background. the bird "sculptures" are actually my tealight candle holders
  • i loveeeeee yellow gold, is it obvious? but have had requests for more silver pieces, especially rings, i promise to oblige asap!
  • i've just placed an order with another etsy seller for some new materials, i can't wait til they get here so i can start playing with them! stay tuned for their debut..
that's all! i just had to share ;)

new additions!

hi lovelies!

so i spent all weekend hammering and cutting away and have six items to show for it, please check them out on etsy when you get the chance. they include:
  • a lovely lariat similar to my previous one but with labradorite and a lighter, rounder stone
  • a beach necklace that i absolutely adoreeee
  • BOWie rings ;) inspired by my forget-me-knot ring that everyone always admires
  • the sequel to the naturale earring collection - the necklace!
  • simple and pretty sand dollar earrings to wear to the beach in my dreams
  • elegant moukaite earrings that will enhance any outfit
please let me know what you think!


Friday, March 20, 2009


hey guys! welcome to the first post on my blog :) this is just to keep people updated on my jewelry making, hopefully it won't contain too many boring details about my life...

so here are a few things!
  • apologies for only having one of most of my items, i'm not sure what people will like and won't like so i only make one of each thing. please feel free to message me any requests for pieces that have already been sold. i also really appreciate feedback, so if there's a certain style you'd like to see more of, please lt me know!
  • my head is abuzzing with ideas, it just takes me a long time to execute them. i sometimes spend up to 2 hours on a single piece/pair of earrings trying to get them perfect, so stay tuned for cool new things!
  • this also explains why i don't make items in bulk, by the time i'm done with one, i want to move on to my next idea!
  • i definitely have more plans for hair accessories, let me know if there's anything you'd like to see
  • i've tried to lower my shipping costs as much as possible, i hate paying for shipping so i know you probably do too!
  • etsy charges fees and so does paypal, it really eats into my wallet *pout*
well that's my rant! in an ideal world, i could sit around all day making jewelry, playing with my future french bulldog, but until then i will rush home from work and focus on my craft into the wee hours of the night for you lovely folks!
