Thursday, June 10, 2010

Saving up...

so close! the lovely bf surprised me with a mini torch 2 weeks ago and i am SO EXCITED to get to work on it. unfortunately, i've got this cart full of stuff i'll need (okay some is want :) first. so please be patient folks as i scrape together my pennies!

also, i'm trying to get enough interested people together for a saturday class with Bianca Lopez at her studio in NoHo. why are most classes during the week? do other people not have jobs? how did everyone get so rich??? please let me know if you're interested! she's also got some summer workshops going on - email her for more info. In her own words her school "offers total immersion in a creative environment and business development." She's also just awesome and really understands what it's like to have a dream and no idea what to do with it!


  1. You're great! Thank you for posting about our new Saturday workshops. We are promoting it now in our fall schedule. Can't wait to work with you. See you soon! Bianca

  2. hello. my husband and i want to use wall2wall nyc for a pressurized wall we would like put up - but can't find any information on the internet about them. the only thing i saw was a review you made regarding something else but you mentioned that you used wall2wall and liked them. i dont know if you're still checking this blog but wondering if you can leave a comment on my blog or email me at to tell me your experiences.... sorry this is so random and thanks so much!

    btw... i am also an etsy jewelry designer... i scrolled down your blog and took a look at your stuff. i like!
